Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Week 16

These weeks are going by soooo fast! Yesterday we had our 16 week appointment and got to hear our baby's heartbeat! What we also got to hear was that little one swishing around inside there! Here is the video and you can hear little swishes 4 times in the minute or so that we were listening to the hearbeat. Looks like we might have an active little one on our hands!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Week 15

15 weeks down, 25 to go! Dave came home this week after being gone for almost two weeks and of course he was sure that I had grown. I told him that he would have said that even if I hadn't, he replied with "yeah probably" :-)

This week I wore maternity pants for the first time! I was so nervous about maternity pants, but there are some really cute ones now!

This week I also bought my plane ticket to to home to Oregon for babyshowers!!! Once we had the dates nailed down I decided that it was time to start the baby registries too! It's sooooo much fun! I can't wait for our little guest room to morph into our baby's room!

Here are this week's belly pictures. Not a huge difference, but there is one :-)

Week 13

Week 15

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Week 14

Now that school has started and classes have begun at Sonoma State, the weeks have really begun to fly by! I'm not sure if that is a good thing or bad thing! On one hand it is super exciting because I just can't wait to meet our little BB! On the other hand I love bring pregnant and want to savor each moment!

Now that life has begun to have a routine I've been able to start working out again. I can't tell you how good it feels! They aren't joking when they say that the second trimester has a boost in energy levels! I've been swimming, biking, jogging and doing yoga. We're having a lovely Indian Summer, and I'm trying to milk it for all I've got!

Every night I check out my belly and will it to grow, grow, grow! I can still squeeezzze into most of my pants but they are getting A LOT tighter these days. I had to unbutton the ones I was wearing yesterday while I was driving and the whole time I was in class at SSU! So I know our little one is getting bigger, I just can't wait to show it more :-)

Here are the two pictures of our ultrasounds. Isn't it amazing the difference of just one month!?!

Week 8

Week 12

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Week 13

Here are a bunch of belly comparison pictures from the last two months. I can't tell if it looks like I'm pregnant yet, or if it just looks like I'm getting fat ;-)

Week 5

Week 9

Week 11

Week 13

I actually couldn't believe the change that happened in the last 2 weeks! Dave is going to be gone for the next few weeks, so it will be interesting to see what I look like when he comes home!