Friday, September 17, 2010

Week 15

15 weeks down, 25 to go! Dave came home this week after being gone for almost two weeks and of course he was sure that I had grown. I told him that he would have said that even if I hadn't, he replied with "yeah probably" :-)

This week I wore maternity pants for the first time! I was so nervous about maternity pants, but there are some really cute ones now!

This week I also bought my plane ticket to to home to Oregon for babyshowers!!! Once we had the dates nailed down I decided that it was time to start the baby registries too! It's sooooo much fun! I can't wait for our little guest room to morph into our baby's room!

Here are this week's belly pictures. Not a huge difference, but there is one :-)

Week 13

Week 15

1 comment:

  1. Sad- where are the Dunn's gonna sleep once baby brinker arrives?! :)
