Friday, October 14, 2011

Today's Mommy Thought

"Go on loving what is good, simple and ordinary." - Rainer Maria Rilke

That was my mommy saying for the day from the little flip book that Sally gave me. It really rang true today when Isabel discovered that she can splash in the bathtub. I was so excited that she was doing yet another new thing! Yet at the same time people without kids would find it so odd that my heart would swell with pride at the most simple, ordinary thing of splashing water. I love how being a mommy totally changes your perspective on life. A new little sound, the way a toy is thrown, a strange little facial expression... the good, simple and ordinary things are what give life flavor. Having a child makes you slow down and appreciate the littler nuances of a tiny person starting from scratch and learning everything there is to learn about this big amazing world that we live in.

"Its the simple things that make life sweet. They're worth their weight in gold. They can't be bought at any price and neither are they sold" - unknown

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