Thursday, September 6, 2012

20 Weeks

20 weeks of pregnancy means that we are half way there! This pregnancy seems like it has gone by way faster than Isabel's did. Now that I'm (finally!) feeling better and starting to feel our little one move around, I'm realizing that I need to take time each and every day to savor this time while I have it. I truly do love being pregnant - well this stage of pregnancy! I wasn't exactly loving life for a couple months there... I'm just coming to the realization that this precious time with my baby inside my belly is going by so swiftly! Yet at the same time I am so excited to meet this new little Brinker Baby!

Today we had our 20 week appointment which started out with an ultrasound! It was our first, and probably only ultrasound we'll have for this baby. This little one moves around way more than I can feel! I was thinking that maybe this baby is just really mellow. I also had the inkling that my placenta might be in the front, because I first felt the baby move a week or so after I first felt Isabel, and they say that you feel your second baby earlier than the first. Also unlike Isabel, I never felt little flutters first, but actual kicks instead! Dave told me that I was crazy and that there was no way that I could know where my placenta was. Sure enough, the ultrasound confirmed my prediction!  This little one is pretty active, I just have an extra layer of protection for the little kicks and jabs! Probably a good thing!

The ultrasound showed a healthy and active little baby in the 23rd percentile. That is well within the average range, so our midwife wasn't worried. With babies its probably better to be on the lower end of average than the higher end anyway! I have a feeling this one might be a little smaller than Isabel. Perhaps because it was so hard for me to gain weight for the first 18 weeks.

The best profile shot we could get!

A little foot!

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