Monday, October 14, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

Bozeman's pumpkin patch isn't quite like those we have enjoyed in lush Petaluma CA, and in the Willamette Valley, OR. I just don't think the growing season is long enough here for a big pumpkin patch. Never-the-less, it is a fall tradition that still affords some great opportunities to be outside and take colorful pictures of the kiddos! Isabel wasn't too keen on the tractor ride, (just like last year) but as you'll see Easton had no qualms what-so-ever about that ol' tractor!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

9 Months

This last month Easton has been working on honing his current skills. He is a little crawling speedster, and just flies up the stairs whenever he has the chance. He interacts more and more with his big sister and is starting to hold his own by pushing her away and pulling her hair. While he is going on month 3 of pooping issues, he is finally starting to sleep better and actually is learning to put himself to sleep.

This last month Easton:
Has stood up by himself a couple times
Loves finger food
Still has pooping issues
Furniture walks
Gives sweet open mouth kisses